Thinking of Lessons Learned.

As usual with my writings, this post has sat collecting dust in a virtual file for several weeks. The topic is still relevant and was brought to the forefront just now in a hall duty discussion about Hunter S. Thompson and then rolled onto Warren Zevon, two great creative minds who left us within the last several years.

I was listening to music over the weekend and introducing various artists to my daughter, she is seventeen months old, for those of you who are unfamiliar with me. I have a very eclectic taste in music, from classical to punk to rap to country and many places in between. I do not like all music of each category, but I like songs or artists of many categories. I hope this trait is passed on to my daughter.

I am getting off topic, surprise, surprise, so let me reset. I came across a song by Warren Zevon, “Keep Me In Your Heart,” not necessarily a sad song, but it hit me pretty hard. Knowing the circumstances of when it was written, after Warren had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, Mesothelioma, to be specific. For more information on what happened you can find it at his official site

What hit me was the fact that this Warren passed on treatment so he could continue doing what he loves best, creating music. He was told that there was nothing that could be done about the disease since he had waited too long to get a check up and find out why he was sick. Treatment would have prevented him from being able to continue recording or doing much of anything.

I am healthy, as far as I know, so that is not what struck a nerve, it was that he had the strength to continue pursuing what he loved even knowing he had limited time left. How many people lose site of their passions because life gets in the way? How many people have something great to leave those who stay behind? The song itself asks those Warren left to remember him fondly while they continue onward. It is almost haunting to listen to the words and realize what is being said. Maybe having a little girl, I hope that she will one day remember the things we do as a family with a smile on her face and a warm spot in her heart. In any case the wishes of the song are something to hope for…