M-Learning Daily is out! http://paper.li/myweb2learn/1299214309 … Stories via @techmonstah @Dsalvucci @jimharmon
Gems that I took away from #edcamppgh yesterday! pic.twitter.com/1mZX5reutr
@JosephADevine Who might help @Learn21Tech get more public school educators to next @edcampPGH? #edcamppgh #paedchat
My Smackdown page http://bit.ly/XsA9RJ needs #CELI14 #edcampPGH #edcampmetroDC @DrBillBrennan @JustinAion @buddyxo & any others. TY
Amazing how different #edcamppgh from #edcampcbus. Same approach, both totally compelling, surprisingly distinct takeaways. #ohedchat
#EdCampPGH thanks again all!! pic.twitter.com/banm5hcDkA
To all my educator friends, here is a great write up about today’s #edcamppgh http://www.mrharrold.com/ebl.html By far the best PD experience yet!
“Just because they are compliant doesn’t mean they are learning.” – @mr_harrold #edcamppgh
Eating a left over sticky bun from #edcamppgh – wow Zeke’s Coffee is amazing!
Thanks to all the attendees & especially to the organizers of #edcamppgh I just got back to Philadelphia, I had a wonderful day
We all need to become advocates to incorporate technology into education – 9th grade former @ECSInnovator student #edcamppgh
@JustinAion Is your presentation Room 117 11AM? #edcampPGH
RT@SNewco: iPad Apps Separated by Subject Area http://bit.ly/R0FNHh #edcampmetrodc #edcamppgh #edchat #ffcaedu
@mgolding @lmhenry9 @JustinAion @JamiDanielle @reilly1041 My Math pages: http://cybraryman.com/mathlinks.html It all adds up to a great day at #edcamppgh
Look at this handsome group of math teachers lucky enough to go to #edcamppgh together: @lmhenry9 @JustinAion @JamiDanielle @reilly1041
@Flipslegitz inspires #edcamppgh to create more engaging and connecting learning opportunities in order to get to thriving communities
You can FEEL real learning. How much we forget as we grow up. How much we can learn from students like Phillipa. @LrningInstigatr #edcampPGH
Building the board at #edcamppgh pic.twitter.com/1w7AP78kru
“It’s not a toilet. It’s the ocean” via @Learn21Tech #edcampPGH
Hey #edcamppkb got any suggestions for #edcamppgh Board? We’re building!
http://edcampgh.com is homebase for #edcamppgh
We all need to become advocates to incorporate technology into education – 9th grade former @ECSInnovator student #edcamppgh
CAPA Student now addressing #edcamppgh, what learning is and should be from student perspective. #edcamppgh
“I know what learning feels like, its exciting. So when Im in an academic space & I dont feel it, its kinda weird.”#studentwisdom #edcamppgh
“We are spending our time preparing for tests that test what we’re being taught. Is that learning?” 8th grader Phillipa Zeng #edcamppgh
Tell me something I don’t know! Powerful! #edcamppgh
“We are spending our time preparing for tests that test what we’re being taught. Is that learning?” 8th grader Phillipa Zeng #edcamppgh
“I know what learning feels like, its exciting. So when Im in an academic space & I dont feel it, its kinda weird.”#studentwisdom #edcamppgh
Love hearing a student talk about learning from her perspective #edcamppgh pic.twitter.com/pPXh2Khz8j
@LrningInstigatr I listen children into their wisdom #edcamppgh
We all need to become advocates to incorporate technology into education – 9th grade former @ECSInnovator student #edcamppgh
@edcampPGH @lmhenry9 @LrningInstigatr “fostering agency and capacity though engagement” #sixwords #edcamppgh
6-word memoir about my gift as a teacher. “I am a learner as well.” #edcamppgh
Let’s harness the creative power of our youth to solve some of our greatest problems #edcamppgh @LrningInstigatr
I am a learner as well @JustinAion #edcamppgh
6-word memoir: write a summary of your gift as a teacher. Go… @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
We should use abundance thinking not scarcity thinking #edcamppgh
.@LrningInstigatr Ignite Talk is super inspirational! #edcamppgh
Scarcity thinking vs abundance thinking. @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
Students need to be a part of the conversation about justice. #edcamppgh
What does pittsburgh thriving mean? #wqededu #edcamppgh
Teachers should be collaborators – have best interest of the student in mind. via @LrningInstigatr #edcampPGH #edchat #gtchat
The network is more powerful than the node. -From a slide from @LrningInstigatr #EdCampPGH
Are we not a commonwealth? Love it! We should work towards the well being for all in the state, amen! #edcamppgh
@LrningInstigatr “we are all connected, children need to do well no matter what school they go to.” #edcamppgh
We need to have a healthy discourse about learning and education. @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
We need to shift back from debate – where there are winners & losers – to discourse – where we hear one another. @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
Via @ LrningInstigatr we need more intelligent discourse. #edcamppgh
“Everything around us is created! Someone thought up everything around you, why can’t it be you?” – @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
We need to shift back from debate – where there are winners & losers – to discourse – where we hear one another. @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
“Everything around us is created! Someone thought up everything around you, why can’t it be you?” – @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
We need to have a healthy discourse about learning and education. @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
“I’m not here to raise consumers. I’m here to raise responsible citizens.” – @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
Learning as an ecosystem! Powerful thought! #edcamppgh
@JamiDanielle wow I love that slide ! #edcamppgh
“Think about learning as an ecosystem” via @LrningInstigatr #edcampPGH
Learning Institutions are rapidly becoming part of a larger ecosystem via @LrningInstigatr #edcampPGH #gtchat
Where do you and your students fit in? #edcamppgh pic.twitter.com/VlfLIpid6m
“Think about learning as an ecosystem” via @LrningInstigatr #edcampPGH
Create conditions in which people can fully evolve into themselves – @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
Good Morning from Los Angeles everyone. I’m following virtually and wish I were there with you #edcamppgh
What if we create conditions where kids are sad that we have a snow day? @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
“What if we could create the conditions in which students are sad when school was closed?” –@LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
Think about learning as an ecosystem – where are we connected throughout our communities – @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
Let’s harness the creative power of our youth to solve some of our greatest problems #edcamppgh @LrningInstigatr
How we learn is through movement and yet there is more and more seat time – @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
How can we create the cndtns to awaken a childs spirit to the point that they are bummed when a snow day comes? @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
Let’s harness the creative power of our youth to solve some of our greatest problems #edcamppgh @LrningInstigatr
What if we create conditions where kids are sad that we have a snow day? @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
The keynote just said that Minecraft is awesome! My 8 year old is hooked with it! Fun! #edcamppgh
Via @LrningInstigatr need new metaphors for learning. What is the overall purpose?Creating conditions where we can fully evolve #edcamppgh
“What is the purpose of education? Eudaimonia…human flourishing” @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
Create conditions in which people can fully evolve into themselves – @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
@JustinAion @ljconrad My Connected Educators/Students page: http://cybraryman.com/connectededucator.html … Be Connected – Be Engaged – Be Informed #edcampPGH
Two of the students (Mitchell & Juliette) @JustinAion school volunteering today #edcamppgh pic.twitter.com/Fg4K4WqRzF
What are the new metaphors for learning? @LrningInstigatr #EdCampPGH
“A lot of the tools that we’re supposed to access to, not allowed in spaces for learning.” @LrningInstigatr re: Youtube #edcamppgh
@MASDasst_super will try & keep you posted. #edcamppgh
“How many of you have the freedom to change your curriculum year to year.” 1/4 hands go up #edcamppgh
Grades 1 -12 account for only 18.5% of our learning cycle in life. via @LrningInstigatr #edcampPGH #gtchat
@JustinAion @ljconrad My Connected Educators/Students page: http://cybraryman.com/connectededucator.html … Be Connected – Be Engaged – Be Informed #edcampPGH
If you haven’t heard @LrningInstigatr speak about her views on learning vs. education, you are missing out. #edcamppgh
Ready to learn @ #edcamppgh pic.twitter.com/G43GQ9GhSN
#edcamppgh teachers as troublemakers! Michelle King nails it!
“I love learning but over time, I’ve become anti-education.” @LrningInstigatr #edcamppgh
“I love learning and I hate education.” – @LrningInstigatr at #edcamppgh
@Beyonce IS HERE! #edcamppgh
“I love learning, but over time, I’ve become anti-education because it robs kids of the love of learning”. #edcamppgh
Michelle King ignites Edcamppgh! @edcampPGH #edcamppgh @ECSInnovator @lrninginstigr #edcamp pic.twitter.com/L5dsgs4HEe
@LrningInstigatr taking the floor to be disruptive for the sake of learning. Love her! Lets hear it for the troublemakers! #EdCampPGH
@JustinAion Appreciative in advance, Justin! #EdCampPGH
About to get under way. Being on the learning. #EdCampPGH
Two of our planners @ngusky & @JustinAion prepping for the start I the day! #edcampPGH pic.twitter.com/RbuypR30Sc
The coffee’s here! #edcampPGH
#edcamppgh Here we go! pic.twitter.com/JV9EEoIsjm
Introductions at #edcampPGH pic.twitter.com/PeIYaJ2ymo
Be jealous, be very jealous! #edcamppgh @JustinAion @JamiDanielle @reilly1041 pic.twitter.com/iio9YO7hWw
@edcampPGH please post some great pictures/comments today so I can what I am missing…#edcamppgh
#edcamppgh Here we go! pic.twitter.com/JV9EEoIsjm
Can’t believe I am missing the day with my fellow @edcampPGH committee members…have a great one…save me a M shirt!!! #edcamppgh
@edcampPGH I’m on my way, ready for an awesome day of learning and sharing #edcamppgh
@TheEllisSchool is filling up quickly with eager educators excited to learn from each other at #edcamppgh
Two of our planners @ngusky & @JustinAion prepping for the start I the day! #edcampPGH pic.twitter.com/RbuypR30Sc
Our youngest #edcamppgh attendee! pic.twitter.com/C2RNY2fBiG
RT @TeachToDream: Love my Twitter PLN. A MUST have! great way to grow your pedagogy & connect w others wanting2 grow! #edcamppgh #edcamppkb
@Mr_Oldfield My PLN has made it so I’m not stuck with the same old ideas within my 4 walls but have the insight of Ts everywhere #edcamppgh
It’s a beautiful day for some meaningful professional development!! #edcamppgh starts in 67 minutes!!
@Mr_Oldfield Love my Twitter PLN. A MUST have! A great way to grow your pedagogy and connect with others wanting to grow! #edcamppgh
And we’re off to #edcamppgh!
Can u guys help me share w/ #edcamppkb the power of building a PLN through Twitter?! Share ur thots please. Use our hashtag. #edcamppgh
@mpelochino tomorrow at #edcamppgh I’m going to get feedback on which #2minPD to create next! Hope to make 1 per week.
@ksivick I’m from the Philly Suburbs! We should bond tomorrow at #edCampPGH! Thank you so much for coming out for it!!
Come to #edcampPGH and taste the fabulousness of @MetzCulinary for lunch, awesome chats w Ts & screening of @IfYouBuildItDoc movie!
Read this blog post from @jolenezywica from @workingexamples about #edcampPGH last fall! http://www.workingexamples.org/blog/show/53
Special thanks to my wife, Francene for this idea to promote @swpaect at #edcamppgh pic.twitter.com/moEqQboI3L
Special thank to my best helper, Arianna. She helped promote @PAECT & @swpaect at #edcamppgh today pic.twitter.com/OlJzUKlMn8
Classroom flexibility needed with gamification, student must work on something in room, but they pick what to do. #edcamppgh
@Learn21Tech Thank you! Ellis School is fantastic, had a great day at #edcamppgh sorry we had to leave early.
@EduCait_Tech @Dsalvucci Thank you for sharing. Learning a lot here virtually from Cali!
@Dsalvucci thanks Dom! Lovely to meet your daughter as well!
Classroom flexibility needed with gamification, student must work on something in room, but they pick what to do. #edcamppgh
Thanks @Dsalvucci for promoting #paect at #edcamppgh I am happy to be a member of @PAECT pic.twitter.com/bR3FpjhqGK
Classroom flexibility needed with gamification, student must work on something in room, but they pick what to do. #edcamppgh
@Dsalvucci This is why I love SBG! Rewards kids for what they’ve shown, no punishment for failure. encouragment to try again. #edcamppgh
CAPA Student now addressing #edcamppgh, what learning is and should be from student perspective. #edcamppgh
@LrningInstigatr my summary is: learning, collaborating, facilitating, modeling, motivating, connecting, #edcamppgh