New Year’s Podcast Resolution?
So, for some reason I am on a podcast kick, I have been listening to various podcasts in an attempt to find new content to listen to. Part of it is based upon my Christmas gift, a Garmin Speak another goes with my goal to use tools I already implement on a deeper level. Yet, one more reason is to get my daughter’s interest back into creating things instead of just consuming Internet information.
I have had a podcast channel for awhile, but it has fallen to the way side as of late, mainly because no one was going there to use the information and life became hectic for me. Why invest time that is a major scarcity for me on something no one uses. Here is the URL for my podcasts, which can also be found on iTunes and mrsalvucci.com: http://mrsal.podbean.com/
Well, I am hoping to change the scenario and contribute more positive information to the Internet. I plan on utilizing my podcast channel more this year, we shall see how it goes. Here is my first podcast/minicast of the New Year: