Creative Writing

This post was originally posted in my Substack.

I need to get back into writing creatively. I write a lot for work and for my professional development, however I have pretty much stopped writing creatively…for fun…to keep my mind sharp…keep my creativity flowing…and as a form of therapy. 

Wattpad allows me to write on the fly on my phone, so it is more typing on the fly. I sometimes carry and small notepad to jot ideas, and story parts, and poems, and miscellaneous thoughts down. Easier to do when wearing old man cargo pants.

I need to get back to this. To do so, I need to MAKE THE TIME. Let’s see what happens.

“What Is” or “The Importance of Relaxation”

So, Summer 2024 is not only upon us, it seems as if it is almost over. July 4th usually brings the “Back to School Supplies” displays to the area stores, which in turn sets my brain into school starts soon mode. This year the the displays were seen toward the end of June in stores that will remain unnamed, I will not give them free advertising here, no matter how small the audience. Last week when looking for a replacement umbrella for my deck, I came across HALLOWEEN DISPLAYS!?!?!?! 

What is my point, you may ask? We as a society are always in a rush to get to the next moment in time, or event. (I am struggling with vocabulary as I write this, I have the Weather Channel playing in the background, which is offsetting my focus.) Be they small events or major milestones, we are always looking to the next step once we reach the most current checkpoint. This behavior is disturbing, to say the least. Many people, myself included, are so focused on what is next that we are missing out on “What Is.” 

“What Is” is in the moment, it should be enjoyed, we should let the good “What Is” moments wash over us and savor them. The “what’s next “will still be there, sometimes looming, sometimes roaring at us like a freight train, but we need to savor the “What Is.” As I sometimes rush through my morning espresso so I can move on to the next task or event, I thought why even drink the espresso if I am just going to slurp it down? There is no enjoyment in it, it is just a routine, but not enjoyable. I am not alone in this, I see others all the time in a rush to move on to the next meme, the next TikTok, the next .gif, the next selfie, the next amusement park ride, etc, while not truly appreciating the “What Is Now.”

Last year, I focused on “Intentionality” as my goal for the school year, I was somewhat successful, but I still have more work to do in building that skill.  This year I will add focusing on enjoying the “What Is” to that skill set. I need to relearn how to relax and enjoy the moment and not rush on to the next. I needed to be reminded by THIS SONG from the B-52’s, one of my favorite songs of all time. (As I watched the video to make sure it was appropriate to link to this blog, I became antsy, thinking of when should I go make my espresso. I resisted multitasking, but it proves that I have much more work to do focusing on the “What Is,” relaxing, and enjoying the moment.) 

Stop, Take a Deep Breath, Look Around You, Enjoy the Moment if it is a Positive.

Learning to Relax…Once Again

It seems that I have forgotten how to relax.  I have somehow conditioned myself to not be comfortable just “chilling.” sitting back, doing nothing.  When I try, I become anxious and antsy.  My body rebels and tells me that I must do something, anything, time is “a-wastin,” get going.  The all too precious time is a “blowin’ away in the wind,” to mash up the movie and the Bob Dylan classic.

I  often try to enjoy espresso on the deck, sometimes while hanging out with family and friends, sometimes alone.  But even that time becomes more of a race to the finish than a relaxing time of reflection and conversation.  Slurping instead of sipping, clock watching instead of listening to friends, family, or even sounds of nature.

This new conditioning has become more than a nuisance, it has taken away one of the most important mental health tools people have, the ability to relax, clear one’s mind, then regroup and recharge.

I need to address this and soon.  I do not know where the blame falls, probably on me, but the situation needs to be remedied.  I have to re-train my brain and body that it is okay to do nothing at times, or just enjoy what I am doing in the moment, without planning the next activity or worrying about how much time I am spending on the current action or lack thereof.

Even as I write this, my mind starts chirping about me taking too long to type and review my post.  My inner voice starts to run down the list of tasks that still need to be accomplished.  It is like a movie or book that intentionally makes you uncomfortable, I am currently reading a Hard Case Crime novel by Ed McBain that sometimes has that effect on me.  The heroin-addicted main character’s manic episodes push me to a place I do not favor.  I toss out the description since I am not comfortable linking the book here.  This is an educational blog, so…

The re-training will start soon, but not until after I have another cup of coffee, clear my head, and just sit for a few more minutes.  After all, starting immediately in a rush only strengthens the bad habit I am trying to break.