The end of Flip…or Flipgrid

Flip, or as it started out Flipgrid is no more. Microsoft is ending that tool after purchasing it and incorporating it into their Teams. We are not a Microsoft School, so I do not know how cumbersome it could be to use Teams with my students; only time will tell.

In the meantime, I am pulling down my existing videos from the site to store them elsewhere. I am using iMovie to stitch them together by theme, then pushing them out to either TikTok or YouTube. Most of the videos were set up as Optional Enrichment Projects, so student participation varied. I unfortunately must admit there is not a lot of video content to transfer.

Moving forward, in my attempt to gamify my classes I am hoping for more student created content in the near future. I am using the PAECT Book Study on Explore Like a Pirate: Engage, Enrich, and Elevate Your Learners to bolster my attempt at this endeavor. That is a story for another blog post…

Our Second StickTogether

My classes participated and completed our second StickTogether as an OPTIONAL ENRICHMENT ASSIGNMENT, It went well and more students worked on completing this activity than the first StickTogether.  Once they work on the activity they are to take a screenshot of their work and submit it to me via email or messages in Schoology so they can be given the points they earned.  At times I put the activity on the big board, the interactive TV, in the front of my room.  Students could come up and click squares to complete the puzzle.

You can read more about StickTogether here.

A screenshot of the completed  activity is below:

Wakelet Student Ambassador First Badge: Curation All About Me

Okay everyone, the first badge we will be working on is Curation:  All About Me.  I am posting the assignment in Wakelet, the link is below.  I will also post the directions in the email I send out and here on my blog…redundancy is cool…no matter what others say.  I want to make sure everyone that wants to see this information has access to it.

Here are the written directions for the assignment:

Step One:  

Create an account in Wakelet if you have not done so already.  Email me your username.

Step Two:  Here are the instructions for you!

  • Create a collection about yourself with at least 15 items included. Please make sure you set your Wakelet to Private or Unlisted.
  • Showcase talents, favorite things, and hobbies.  (School Appropriate.) Use images, links, word art, draw images, snap a pic and upload, be creative.
  • Share a place you would like to live or visit. (Once again, share a or image.
  • THIS IS IMPORTANT, MAKE SURE YOU USE GOOGLE ADVANCED IMAGE SEARCH to look up photos.  There is a link below. Choose the Usage Rights option “Free to Use or Share.

Step Three:

Share your collection with Mr. Sal and another student, they do not need to be participating in this assignment.

Step Four:

Turn In the link to your collect with Mr. Sal via email.

Here is the Wakelet:



Wakelet Student Ambassador Create an Account

So…here is the first step to the Wakelet Student Ambassador Extra Credit Assignment.  Just create an account, I also encourage you play around on the site and see what you can do with Wakelet.  The detailed instructions are on the embedded video below.

For those of you who do not want to watch the video, here are the instructions:  Go to and click on “Sign Up It’s Free” and create an account.  I suggest using your school Google Account to do this.  Once you have done this, email me with your username, so I can keep track who is who.  Lastly, play around on the site and see what it does, studies on learning indicate that people learn more by experimenting and looking around on their own before being handed a set of instructions.

PLEASE DO NOT WORRY, instructions on how to use Wakelet and a brief video tutorial will be sent out tomorrow, along with the assignment for the first badge.

In the mean time…take care.

Wakelet Student Ambassador Optional Extra Credit

Hello, this is an optional extra credit assignment for my students.  The video below gives them a general overview of the assignment.  I will give them specific details later on each task.  Those details will be posted here on my blog as we move forward.