
I am participating in a PAECT Book Study, the book is Thrive Through the Five, by Dr. Jill M. Siler. At the end of each chapter, she includes a Sketchnote of ideas to summarize the chapter content. I attended a series of webinars through PAECT on Sketchnoting with Sylvia Duckworth, and have shown the concept to my classes. I need to revisit this skill over the summer and utilize it in my classes for my more visual learners. I am not adept enough of an artist to Sketchnote while taking notes, I would focus too much on the art and lose the content. I am better at revisiting the content after I take notes in a traditional format and converting them into images.

I will add this to my Summer To-Do List.

I use a free web-based tool called Storify to archive information, mainly from conferences.  Storify allows you to search various types of Internet information and collates it into an interactive and embeddable web poster.  I usually use it to collect Tweets from myself and others using a hashtag # search.  There are a number of examples of such collections throughout my past blog posts, feel free to check them out.

While collecting Tweets from this year’s PETE & C, I learned that you can only collect and post 1000 Tweets to a Storify.  That is a plethora of information, but at PETE it is less than 1 day’s worth of Tweets.  So, create multiple Storifys…


You can locate Storify at for a free account.