Saturday Mornings

This post was first published on my Substack.

“Saturday Mornings” a time for productivity. I used to wake up on Saturday mornings rather late, since I was usually up late on Friday nights. As that changed, I would get up early on Saturday and participate in an educational “#satchat” on Twitter, mostly lurking and answering only on occasion.

Then, I restarted my Saturday morning podcasts back up for my classroom. I switched to being a creator over being just a consumer. That counts, even if few people consume what I produce.

Now that I have added the title of Vice President of PAECT to my responsibilities, my Saturdays have become even more productive. The President of PAECT, Eric Verno has a weekly meeting where we collaborate on PAECT business. Saturday mornings work best for our schedules, so on top of my weekly podcast, I have added a weekly meeting, and from there I wrap up some tasks we discuss. My thought is that everything is fresh in my mind and I already have my computer open, so just keep going. That then frees up the rest of the day for relaxation and fun.

StickTogether II

Well, my first attempt at a StickTogether for my Honors class can be considered a success.  It was completed quickly…by one student.  I am rolling out another StickTogether, however this time I am limiting the number of attempts per day to give others a chance to participate.

Here is the image from the first StickTogeher.

AI Declaration

I am typing this a bit facetiously…I have not posted a blog in many, many, let’s just say an extremely long time.  Chat GPT and other forms of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have sprung up for public consumption since my last post.  This is my declaration that I will not be using AI to write posts on this blog.

I make this declaration since I have read online at Business Insider that many books are showing up on Amazon that have been written by AI.  As a once-inspiring author, that does depress me a bit.  I like the concept of the human mind and imagination firing up stories that excite and hold our attention.  I may just be getting old and falling behind the times, or I may be a bit bitter that someone with a sentence or two into a website has completed a manuscript that I haven’t been able to complete as of yet.  The jury is out on where I fall.

In the meantime, I want to reassure my dedicated readers, thank you Mom, that the words that appear here and on my personal podcasts will be my own and not those of any Artificial Intelligence entity.